During the early years of their development, electronic computers were of the size of a large room and required a huge amount of power. The bulky computing systems of those times were downsized to desktops, which became immensely popular among the computer users around the world. Computers that lie between multi-user computer systems and small single-user computers came to be known as minicomputers. The use of the term, 'mini' seemed to indicate a miniature size of computers. However, the name could be considered deceptive, as minicomputers were definitely not the smallest computers ever designed. The term 'microcomputer' came to be used to refer to a computer with a microprocessor and a central processing unit that needed a small amount of space. Though the term signified a 'micro' (small) size, microcomputers would not be the smallest computers in the world. After all, which computer model was to get the place of pride for being the smallest one in the world? Only time would decide.
The evolution of computers continued, giving rise to the creation of laptops, which was a step further, towards the design of small-sized computers. However, the smallest ones were yet to be created. The development of palmtops was a landmark in the history of computers. Before the creation of palmtops, no one would have believed that a full-fledged computer would come in the size of a palm. But were they the smallest computers?
Well, they remained being smallest PCs until the creation of tablet PC. Tablet computers are also known as subnotebooks or netbooks. The project that developed tablet computers was called Project Origami. Computer business giants like Microsoft and Intel as also Samsung came together and developed a specification for a tablet PC and launched it as a part of Project Origami under the name, Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC). How do these computers look? The specification define it as 8-inch small sensitive touch screen. It includes the Touch Pack Interface software suite, enabling the use of a stylus. The UMPCs supporting Windows XP can run all the software that are compatible with the Windows platform. They also support playing of audio, video and computer games. Ultra-mobile personal computers facilitate networking and offer support for Internet browsing.
T700 by Amtek and Q1 by Samsung were some of the earliest models of tablet PCs. The VAIO series of subnotebooks manufactured by Sony, the Lifebook series by Fujistsu are some other popular tablet computers. Aspire One developed by Acer and EeePC by Asus are other top-ranking subnotebook models in use today.
In the technology-age of today, as the world gets smaller, even computers do. They continue to evolve in the smallest possible forms to cater to the user needs of mobile use and portability. True, we live in a small world!
World's Smallest Computer Created TechNewsDaily.com
www.technewsdaily.com/2109-worlds-smallest-computer-created.htmlResearchers recently unveiled the first complete millimeter-scale computing system that is about the size of the letter "N" on the back of a penny (or about the same ...
Welcome to WSPC worlds smallest pc
www.worldssmallestpc.comWelcome to the home of the worlds smallest pc from WSPC. Small form factor pcs, mini pcs, fanless pcs and industrial pcs are supplied and supported - the mini pcs are ...
World's Smallest Computer Created Fox News
www.foxnews.com/tech/2011/02/23/worlds-smallest-computer-createdFeb 23, 2011 Designed for use in an implantable eye-pressure monitor, University of Michigan researchers developed what is believed to be the first complete millimeter ...
The World's Smallest Computer - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnsKgTfIxsQBy LinuxTechShow 20 min 480 views Added Feb 22, 2013Reviewing the Rikomagic MK802 IIIS, which is quite possibly one of the smallest consumer computer systems available on the market today.
World's smallest computer ( funny) - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0EJggFLpP0By Computerfever 2 min 35,520 views Added Dec 01, 2010brief video about future laptop ( funny). visit my website www.evisioncomputer.com and share your ideas about future computer system in discussion forum
This Is the World's Smallest PC, and You Can Buy It Now
gizmodo.com/5888888Late last year, we showed you a sneak preview of the FXI Cotton Candy; a dual-core computer that's the size of a USB stick. Well, production is underway, and you can ...
CuBox:The Worlds Smallest Desktop Computer Running BitTorrent
slumz.boxden.com BX Tech13 hours agoBilled as the worlds smallest desktop computer, CuBox lives up to that billing with a very tiny 50mm all round displacement . Well take a look at it running the ...
World's Smallest Computer - Buzzle
www.buzzle.com/articles/worlds-smallest-computer.htmlEver wondered what the world's smallest computer looks like? Perhaps the smallest in the world is yet to be created. For more on this, read on.
World's Smallest Computer Unique Facts
www.sukoharjo-vvip.com Computer UniqueThe computer that is the size of a Eraser, No one thought that a computer could be the size of an eraser 2 inch. Because of the small size of this computer, we ...
What is the world's most smallest computer - The Q&A wiki
wiki.answers.com Categories Technology ComputersThis is very hard to answer, as there are many different definitions of computers. There exist extremely simple computers smaller than a human blood cell, called ...
World's smallest computer measures just 1mm - Odd News
newslite.tv/2011/02/25/worlds-smallest-computer-measu.htmlBoffins have unveiled the world's smallest computer which measures an amazingly small one square millimetre. Despite it's diminutive size, the team from the ...
enano Desktops - The World's Smallest Desktop Computer
www.enanocomputers.com/products/desktops/index.aspxenano Desktops - The World's Smallest Desktop Computer Welcome to enano desktops. We have a wide selection of computers to fit your needs and budget.
World's smallest Windows 7 computer Japan Today: Japan
www.japantoday.com/.../view/worlds-smallest-windows-7-computerFujitsu has developed what it calls the world's smallest Windows 7 computer. The FMV Loox F-07C is equipped with an
World's Smallest Computer - Flixxy.com - The Best Videos On
www.flixxy.com/worlds-smallest-computer.htmApple introduces the smallest computer in the world: The Mactini - the inevitable future of Apple in a post-netbook world ...
Which is the world's smallest computer? Answerbag
www.answerbag.com Questions Computers Computers (General)Which is the world's smallest computer? Well, technically a computer is anything that can process or transmit data by itself. So I'm gonna guess that RFID chips are ...
What is the worlds smallest computer - The Q&A wiki
wiki.answers.com Categories Technology ComputersThe world's simplest computer is called a Wolfram 2,3 Turing Machine, which was proved in October 2007 to be universal. The machine has 2 states and 3 colors, and is ...
USmart's MC-1 claims 'world's smallest' title, certainly wins over ...
www.engadget.com/2010/03/04/usmarts-mc-1-claims-worlds-smallest...Mar 04, 2010 Some people have soft spots for puppies and panda bears; we have them for tiny laptops. Claiming to be the world's smallest computer, USmart's 4.8-inch
World's smallest notebook computer ever. Lifebook U Laptop.
thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com/...Lifebook U Laptop. What is the smallest notebook computer ever in the world?
World's Smallest. - Crookedbrains
www.crookedbrains.net/2009/03/interesting_18.htmlWorld's Smallest Linux Computer: The Picotux 100 is the world's smallest Linux computer, only slightly larger than an RJ45 connector. World's Smallest Works of Art:
Scientists unveil the world's smallest computer that is just a 1 ...
www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1360339Feb 25, 2011 Scientists have created the world's smallest computer system to help treat glaucoma patients. At just one square millimetre in size, the tiny device is a ...
The worlds smallest tablet PC - Design - Lenovo Blogs
blog.lenovo.com/design/the-worlds-smallest-tablet-pcThe world's smallest tablet PC. Lenovo introduced the world's smallest tablet PC today. Please use as directed. CPU heat may result in fever if taken in excess.
The worlds smallest computer PRR Computers, LLC
www.prrcomputers.com/blog/the-worlds-smallest-computerPRR Computers provides computer / network service and repair for Estero, Bonita Springs, Naples, and Fort Myers Florida. Small Business and Residential.
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